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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Now We Are Four

Dear Bitches,

It is with great pleasure and an evil grin that we announce the arrival of a new member of the Spin Cycle Team. More fabulous than imported silk damask, classier than Liza Minelli with one too many Manhattans under her belt and a picture divine in 7 inch heels; we would like to welcome Herman to our perverted fold.

Bucko the Depraved recently posted an article sent to him by Hermie and so impressed were we and our adoring readers that we just had to invite him to jump into the sack. Hailing from Europe Hermie is our Continental Conspirator and is an old and dear friend of all three of us from AIDSMEDS. It is next to impossible to get into this deviant club. Andrew Sullivan tried but Red Ronnie simply raised an impeccably styled eyebrow and hissed, "Not in THOSE shoes faggot!"

It is a great honour for us here at the Spin Cycle to have Hermie take his place in the Lavender Ranks and we look forward to his virgin post!




At Mon Sep 19, 03:40:00 AM GMT+10, Blogger Bucko said...


T'es enfin arrive! J'en sius ravi, mon chou! Des tres gros bisous sur ton corps entier!

You finally made it! I am thrilled, my cabbage! Wet sloppy kissies on your whole body!


At Fri Jan 27, 03:59:00 PM GMT+11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just a quick hello to Matty from everyone you met in Strahan Tasmania... (Jamie, Jem, Sherry and Ray)


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