Join the PozIntern: The International Carnival of Pozitivities
Dear Mortals,
Recently the Spin Cycle had the signal honour of being the first contributing blog to the premier edition of the International Carnival of Pozitivities. ICP is a blog carnival, an event where one blog hosts a series of articles on a set topic. ICP was founded by Ron Hudson, a good friend of the Spin Cycle and one of our Preferred Perverts.
Now here's the thing. You think writing a blog like the Spin Cycle is easy? Not a bit of it. We go to great lengths to shove our righteous opinions down your ungrateful throats. Wit, grace and style are all on offer here and it's about time you lazy cunts started doing some work.
Oh yeah, it's easy for the members of the Spin Cycle Commentariat to post their pedestrian views on the utterly astounding efforts that your intrepid Bloggers undertake in this place. It's a whole different thing to produce and original piece of work in the way that myself, the Depraved Bucko, Red Ronnie the Socialist Sissy Fag and the Glorious Herman do.
The First ICP has been an enormous success. Ron Hudson has done amazing work and I am greatly honoured to have had one of my articles included in that august company.
So here's what you've gotta do. Visit the website for the International Carnival of Pozitivities and check out the requirements. Create a blog for yourself if you don't already have one and pen an article on AIDS. You don't have to be HIV positive to get your oar in the water on this one, so I don't want to hear any bitching from you spineless shits. You just have to be able to discourse on the subject of HIV. It affects ALL OF US, even the dumb fuck breeder filth who think they've gotten away with it.
Carnivals like ICP are a great opportunity for bloggers to expand their reading audience. Sure, you probably won't end up as successful as the Spin Cycle (10,000+ hits in the last 6 weeks so suck on that Meghan, you stupid slut) but you'll have done something worthwhile.
For a change.